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Getting Started: Users

Let's start with Specular by bridging some funds to the network.

A bridge allows the transfer of digital assets between two different blockchain networks. It serves as the connection layer enabling the transfer of tokens or data between them.

To get started with Specular, you would need to have the MetaMask extension installed in your browser.

If you don’t have it installed yet, please follow the link to download.

1. Add the desired networks to your wallet

To start using the Specular bridge, you need to add the desired networks to your wallet.

Here, we provide an example of how to do this using the MetaMask wallet.

First, click on the MetaMask extension in your browser. Then, click on MetaMask's network selector dropdown and select the Add Network button.

Next, click on Add a network manually and enter the information for the Chiado network from below:

Add Network

Chiado (testnet)

Add Chiado

Once you have the desired network added to your wallet, head over to a faucet to add some native Chiado tokens. The native token of the Chiado network is XDAI.

Get Chiado XDAI from

Get chiado xDAI

Once you have the xDAI in your wallet, the next thing you need to do is to add the Specular Devnet network, following the same steps we used to add Chiado.

Specular (testnet)

2. Deposit tokens from Chiado to Specular (L1 → L2)

Now that you are all set up to interact with the desired networks, it’s bridging time!

Head over to the Specular Bridge.

Make sure you connect your wallet to the application and switch the network to Chiado. If you haven't done so already, don't worry! Just click the Connect wallet and Switch to Chiado options, and the bridge interface will handle that for you!

Enter the amount you wish to deposit to Specular and then click the Deposit button.

Make sure you have enough xDAI in your wallet; otherwise you won't be able to initiate the deposit.


After clicking the "Deposit" button, you will see the window shown below. The link next to Deposit initiation: is the transaction hash of the deposit initialization. By clicking on it, you will be redirected to where you can review the L1 transaction in more detail.

After submitting the transaction via MetaMask, you will be asked to finalize the deposit.


After the deposit is finalized, below Deposit finalization, you can see the new L2 transaction hash. By clicking on the link, you will be redirected to the Specular explorer, where you will be able to see the transaction receipt and observe your funds now residing on L2.

deposit finalize

Note: After bridging your Chiado xDAI to Specular, you will notice that on Specular you have ETH. The reason for that is because ETH is the native currency on Specular.

3. Withdraw tokens from Chiado to Specular (L2 → L1)

To move your funds back to Chiado L1, you will have to be connected to the Specular network.


Once you enter the correct amount and click the Withdraw button, you initiate a withdrawal of your selected amount from Specular to Chiado. The withdrawal is initiated on L2 and is finalized on L1, which is the opposite process from a deposit.

Cool! You moved some funds around Specular. What’s next?

Specular is currently in Devnet, join our Twitter and Discord channels to stay up to date with the new Testnet and Mainnet releases.